Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Did yunz (haha) think I'd forgotten all about tomfoolery? well to be honest...i haven't forgotten. i've just been depressed, and lazy - but really more lazy i think.

with the new year i've been trying diligently to intruduce much healthier, more productive habits into my daily routine, and my life in general. when i say "new year" i mean starting yesterday as jan 1,2 and 3 were spent in a constant state of feasting.

a friend suggested that i start blogging what i am eating for weight watchers. now let me just tell you that i am fat....like reeeeeally fat and therefore i get a lot of points. if you plan on looking up how many points i get and figuring out how much i weigh you might as well go ahead and say OMG!!!!!!!!!! right now and get it over with.

the easiest and most likely way for me to keep myself accountable is to use my fantastic new iphone 3Gs to photograph and then email-post what i eat here. i'll try to post other stuff....but no promises. someone told me once i got an iphone i would rarely use my laptop - and they were right!

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